2250 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI. 96815 | (808) 923-1191
The list of stores and restaurants below are open for business. Please contact stores and restaurants directly for hours.
Buho Cantina
Royal Lobster
Sky Waikiki
Tanaka of Tokyo
Waikiki Shopping Plaza and Waikiki Business Plaza building and parking lot operating hours are from 6:30am – 12am.
Waikiki Business Plaza & Waikiki Shopping Plaza Management Office hours are from from 9am – 4pm.
Please call during these times for any questions relating to building operations or parking.
HIS Hawaii is offering COVID-19 PCR Testing in the Waikiki Shopping Plaza office #410. In addition to test results, an official Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test Result certificate will be provided as necessary, depending on your country of origin. Testing is available between 8am – 5pm (last check-in at 4:45pm).
Take advantage of exclusive reopening specials at the Waikiki Shopping Plaza and Waikiki Business Plaza! See them all.
ABC Stores (Waikiki Business Plaza location only)
Belle Vie
H&M (Waikiki Business Plaza)
Hamilton Boutique
Honolulu Cookie Company
LC Creations
Lono God of Peace (Waikiki Business Plaza)
Lululemon (Waikiki Business Plaza)
Maxi Hawaiian Jewelry
Pure Stone
Tiki Products
United States Postal Service
Victoria’s Secret
WAHING Jewelry
Waikiki Trolley Kiosk